Before hiring a wedding videographer to film your special day, it is important to make sure to ask lots of questions. This helps make sure you and your wedding videographer are on the same page and have the same expectations for the wedding video. All in One Bridal by Katelyn has been in the wedding industry for years, and has answered almost every question you can think of regarding our videography services. With that in mind here are seven questions we encourage you to ask your potential wedding videographer before hiring them.
#1 What type of style do you use for your videos?
This question is super important when it comes to trying to pick your wedding videographer. This allows you to understand the style that your video will be shot in, and what the finished version will look like.
#2 Do you have a portfolio I can look at?
Most wedding videographers have a portfolio on their website or sneak peek videos on their socials. If they don’t have any videos available when you are doing your initial research, we recommend asking them for their portfolio so you can see some of the work they have done in the past.
#3 How many videographers can I expect?
This question allows you to know if there will be multiple angles during your wedding & reception or if there will be just one.
#4 What are your packages & pricing?
This is one of the most important questions. When you get this information, you now can decide based on your budget, and what options are provided in each package. This will allow you to pick the package the suits your needs and budget the best.
#5 Do you provide a teaser video or just the final video?
Some wedding videographers will not only provide a final edited video, but also a short teaser video that you can share on socials and with friends and family.
#6 When should I expect the final video?
It is always good to know when you should expect the final edited video from your wedding day. That way you have set expectations on the delivery from the start, and are not just wondering when your wedding video will show up.
#7 How do you deliver the wedding video to me?
Most wedding videographers will deliver it via a sharing platform such as google drive, dropbox, etc. It’s good to know how to expect your video to be delivered to you.
These are some of the most asked questions that we receive, and recommend brides & grooms to ask when trying to decide a videographer for their wedding day.

At All In One Bridal by provide wedding videography services and would love to work with you. For more information about our videography service please email us at or call us at 563-580-7706. You can also view our portfolio at and click on the videogra